C# App using Mappoint Control 2010 gets Registry Error
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Matt R.
2010-04-15 16:46:53 UTC
I have a C# WinForms app that uses the Mappoint control. I've been
using it since MP2K4 and recently migrated to 2K10.

On Windows 7 (64bit) when I run my app from the debugger, it runs
fine. However if I do a clean install of my app and try to run it, I
get the error "Your registry settings for this application were not
copied correctly. To correct these settings, run setup again for this
application from the location where you originally installed it."

All of my searches on this error have directed me to disable UAC or
run as admin...but Mappoint works just fine, and running my app as
admin does not work.

What do I need to do to get past this error?
Matt R.
2010-04-15 17:07:32 UTC
As an additional piece of info, the application hits the error when I
try to execute the following line:

this._activeMap =

This gets executed in the form's Load event.
2010-04-16 17:05:24 UTC
It would appear that the MapPoint ocx has not been registered. This is just
a wrapper around MapPoint itself, so MapPoint can run and the control may
not, because of the registration problem.

How are you doing a "clean install?" Perhaps this is what is causing the
problem. Did you run the MapPoint Setup program, with Administrator rights
(not just an Admin account)?

Richard Grier, Consultant, Hard & Software 12962 West Louisiana Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80228 303-986-2179 (voice) Homepage: www.hardandsoftware.net
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 4th
Edition ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages) published July 2004, Revised July
2010-04-17 07:59:35 UTC
had exactly the same here, more than once.

Good chance it will just simply work under any other user account. I
switched my user accounts by changing the name, and it still works
fine for me.
Of course, this is a very,very messy solution but it appears that only
the registry of the installing user is not set properly.

Another thing you could try is to deinstall mappoint, then install it
under a different account, but you should clean the registry manually

It's my path of trial and error since mappoint and 32/64 windows 7
surprises me every time. I guess it has something to do with
sufficient right (Admin is not always a real admin so it seems...).
It would appear that the MapPoint ocx has not been registered.  This is just
a wrapper around MapPoint itself, so MapPoint can run and the control may
not, because of the registration problem.
How are you doing a "clean install?"  Perhaps this is what is causing the
problem.  Did you run the MapPoint Setup program, with Administrator rights
(not just an Admin account)?
Richard Grier, Consultant, Hard & Software 12962 West Louisiana Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80228 303-986-2179 (voice) Homepage:www.hardandsoftware.net
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 4th
Edition ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages) published July 2004, Revised July